According to a study published by the German Felix Burda Foundation,
presenteeism - circumstances in which employees come to work even though they
are ill - costs twice as much as sickness related absence from work.
The study estimates an annual cost of 225 Billion Euro - 9% of the GDP - to the
German economy due to sickness of workers. The total sickness-related cost per
worker (absenteeism and presenteeism together) is estimated to be about 3600
The study is based on a qualitative survey among enterprises and experts. It
advocates health promotion at enterprise level and a preventive approach
tackling in particular psychosocial and organisational issues at the workplace.
It also lists recommendations for successful health promotion programmes at
enterprise level and policy considerations for health promotion through
preventive services and social security organisations.
AplusA-online.de - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work