

Dr Christa Sedlatschek appointed to lead EU-OSHA

The Governing Board of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work has
selected Christa Sedlatschek as its candidate to be the Agency's next director.

Dr Sedlatschek's appointment has been confirmed by the Bureau of EU-OSHA's
Governing Board following her nomination by the EU-OSHA Governing Board on 29
June and an exchange of views with members of the European Parliament on 13
July. She will take up her new post on 16 September 2011 and succeed Dr Jukka
Takala who is retiring.

Dr Sedlatschek is currently Head of Initiatives, Programmes, Transfer and
Network Management and Director of the Initiative for a New Quality of Work
( at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (BAuA).

Dr Sedlatschek told members of the European Parliament's Employment and Social
Affairs Committee, that as Agency Director she would focus on four priority
areas. Firstly, on getting the message across and strengthening the marketing
of occupational safety and health (OSH) as a 'benefit for all'. Secondly, to
stimulate the establishment of a preventive OSH culture in Europe. Thirdly, to
network and cooperate with key stakeholders to develop and disseminate
information that can be of use in their work at European and national level.
And fourthly, to mainstream OSH into other policy areas such as education and

More info - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work