Chesar is designed to help companies carry out their Chemical Safety
Assessments (CSA) and preparing their Chemical Safety Reports (CSR). The tool
developed by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is a plug-in to IUCLID 5.
Chesar version 1.2 can now be downloaded from the Chesar website. Chesar 1.2
enables the users to generate the exposure scenarios for communication to
downstream users. These exposure scenarios can then be annexed to the extended
Safety Data Sheet.
Chesar also enables the registrant to create a full Chemical Safety Report
(CSR), once the hazard assessment and (if required) the exposure assessment are
finalised. The CSR is created in a text format as well as in an exchangeable
database format (XML Docbook format).
AplusA-online.de - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work