Pressured. Worried. Tense. Anxious. Unenthusiastic. Disinterested. If these
words describe how you feel while at work, you may be experiencing workplace
stress. These negative feelings can result from a mismatch - or imbalance -
between the demands placed on you as a worker and your ability to meet those
demands. There is a wide range of factors which can bring about this gap,
including organization, management, job design, and non-work stressors.
The new Stress in the Workplace e-course from the Canadian Centre for
Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) introduces you to the complex issue of
workplace stress and its multitude of factors, with a focus on stress that
originates on the job, while also discussing how non-work stress can affect
Workers and managers alike will learn to identify signs of workplace stress, as
well as measures to prevent, eliminate or reduce stress in the workplace.
Particular emphasis is placed on the importance of organizational factors -
including the ways in which work is organized. Strategies for employers and
workers to manage personal stress will also be addressed. Note that this course
does not address "critical stress", as may be experienced in response to a
traumatic or catastrophic event.
AplusA-online.de - Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety