

Healthy Minds at Work

When people go to work, all aspects of their lives follow them there whether it
be family pressures, job stresses, emotional turmoil, or relationship woes. For
some, it can be challenging to keep emotionally healthy and engaged in their
work. With the number of waking hours workers spend on the job, the workplace
environment can have a profound impact on their mental health and well-being.

The mental health of your employees impacts their productivity, ability to
concentrate, and their interactions at work. When people are mentally well,
they are more likely to fulfill their potential and cope with daily pressures
in the workplace. Healthy work environments play an important role in reducing
stress levels, creating a positive approach to work, and improving the mental
well-being of employees.

To help workplaces recognize, understand and address mental health issues,
CCOHS has launched the new Healthy Minds at Work website. This collection of
quality online resources offers advice on how to create a healthy, supportive
work environment, promote mental health, and effectively handle mental health
issues that may exist - to improve workplace mental health for everyone.

Further Information - Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety