Nail guns are widely used on many construction jobs, especially in residential
construction. While they boost productivity they may also cause tens of
thousands of painful injuries each year. This publication of the US-American
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is intended to
provide a resource for residential home builders and construction contractors,
subcontractors, and supervisors to prevent these kinds of injuries.
The guidance was developed in response to a unanimous motion by industry,
state, and labor stakeholders on OSHA's Advisory Committee for Construction
Safety and Health (ACCSH) on the need to develop awareness and materials about
nail gun risks. OSHA and NIOSH worked together to make sure the guidance
reflects the most current information available. The guidance highlights what
is known about nail gun injuries, including the parts of the body most often
injured and the types of severe injuries that have been reported. It describes
the common causes of nail gun injuries and provides six practical steps that
contractors can take to prevent these injuries.
AplusA-online.de - Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)