It's known as the silent killer - the poisonous gas that you can't see, smell,
taste or touch. However what carbon monoxide (CO) lacks in personality, it
makes up for in potency. CO poisoning is responsible for hundreds of deaths,
and thousands of hospital visits every year in North America. A common and
deadly hazard, CO results from the incomplete burning of natural gas and any
other material containing carbon such as gasoline, kerosene, oil, propane,
coal, or wood. Cigarette smoke and motor vehicle exhaust are also sources of CO.
Health Effects of CO
When we breathe in carbon monoxide, it interferes with the ability of red blood
cells to carry oxygen to the heart, brain, and other vital organs. Exposure to
very high concentrations can overcome a person in minutes with few or no
warning signs and result in coma or death. Hence the extreme danger of this gas.
The initial symptoms of poisoning are similar to the flu (but without the
fever). They include tightness across the chest, headache, fatigue, dizziness,
drowsiness, or nausea. As symptoms worsen the victim may experience muscle
weakness, vomiting, confusion, and even collapse, losing consciousness. The
sense of confusion, caused by this gas, can interfere with the victim's ability
to realize that their life is in danger.
Workplaces at risk
Internal combustion engines are the most common source of CO in the workplace.
There is also a risk of exposure in boiler rooms, warehouses, petroleum
refineries, blast furnaces, steel production and pulp and paper production.
Farmers have been poisoned by CO while using motorized equipment such as
gasoline pressure washers inside barns. While workers in confined spaces, such
as mines are at risk, harmful levels of CO can also be present in large
buildings or outdoor areas. Other occupations with risk of CO exposure are taxi
drivers, welders and garage mechanics. Emergency workers entering uncontrolled
environments without wearing a carbon monoxide detector have also been subject
to serious injury and even death.
What employers can do
Employees have a part to play
Employees, too, can help prevent CO poisoning by reporting any potential CO
hazards to the employer, and looking out for ventilation problems - especially
in enclosed areas where gases of burning fuels may be released. Don't use
gas-powered engines in an enclosed space. Report complaints of dizziness,
drowsiness, or nausea if you suspect CO poisoning, and leave the contaminated
area immediately. If you get sick, tell your doctor that you may have been
exposed to CO.
Protect yourself from CO exposure at home
The news has been riddled with reports of deaths and illnesses from CO
poisonings. We are in the cold weather months and many deaths occur as the
result of defective or poorly operated home heating devices. Follow these
life-saving tips to protect you and your family:
AplusA-online.de - Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety