The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) held an informal stakeholder meeting Nov. 3, 2011, on preventing
occupational hearing loss to provide a public forum and gather information on
the best practices for noise reduction in the workplace. The meeting included
discussions on personal protective equipment, hearing conservation programs and
engineering controls. The purpose of the meeting was to elicit the views of
employers, workers, and noise control and safety and health professionals about
the hazards of occupational exposure to noise and how best to control them.
OSHA sought stakeholder input on the four questions regarding occupational
hearing loss prevention: 1) What are the best practices regarding hearing
conservation programs? 2) What are the best practices for, as well as concerns
with, using personal protective equipment for noise control? 3) What are the
best practices for using feasible engineering controls? 4) What are companies'
experiences with effective noise control programs and what are the key elements
of their programs?
AplusA-online.de - Source: U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration