

Ergonomic Checkpoints in Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the most hazardous sectors in both developing and
developed countries.

The result of long-term collaboration between the International Labour
Organization (ILO) and the International Ergonomics Association is a manual
compiling 100 illustrated examples of practical ergonomic improvements that can
be achieved at low or no cost. The checkpoints each describe an action,
indicate why it is necessary and how to carry it out, and provide further hints
and points to remember.

They focus on ergonomically designed tools and on best techniques for handling
materials and arranging workstations, physical environments, welfare
facilities, teamwork methods and community cooperation. This invaluable
training tool is designed for all those concerned with creating a better
workplace in agriculture and rural settings: employers, supervisors, workers,
inspectors, safety and health personnel, trainers and educators, extension
workers, engineers, ergonomists and designers.

More info - Source: International Labour Organization (ILO)