(TUC), the presence of unions in workplaces could be saving employers in the
private and public sectors as much £701m (841 million EURO) a year or £2m (2,40
million Euro) a day, as well as making them safer.
The report, Facility Time for Union Reps: Separating fact from fiction, says
that firms with union reps negotiating with employers on behalf of their
colleagues, are more productive, better trained and safer workplaces with fewer
cases taken to Employment Tribunal - meaning staff tend to stay in posts
Written by Gregor Gall, Professor of Industrial Relations at the University of
Hertfordshire, the report argues the value of union reps to the UK economy, not
only helping improve workplace conditions but also enabling private and public
sector employers to keep costs down, and so deliver huge savings to the
AplusA-online.de - Source: Trades Union Congress