

Publication about Active Ageing

As the number of young people entering employment falls in the coming years,
there will be a significant increase in the proportion of older people in the
workforce. Employers will have to rely increasingly on ageing workers, and this
could be to their advantage. Some studies show that older workers are more
dedicated to the workplace, have fewer sickness absences and stay in jobs
longer. The skills, experience and maturity of older workers generally outweigh
potential problems such as increasing, age-related ill health.

The European Commission has published the brochure "The EU Contribution to
Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations", a comprehensive document
which sets out what the European Union is doing to encourage active ageing.

Released within the framework of the European Year 2012, the 24-page brochure
presents the EU's efforts regarding the active ageing agenda, showing that it
is a strong partner in this regard. The European Year for Active Ageing and
Solidarity between Generations 2012 provides an opportunity to think about what
we can do to make active ageing a reality and to commit to new initiatives in
the years to come.

More information - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work