

German Stress report 2012

According to the "Stress Report Germany 2012", published by the Federal
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), workers most often
reported multitasking (58%), time pressure and tight deadlines (52%), monotony
and repetitive work (50%) and frequent interruptions (44%).

A quarter of the respondents reported to skip breaks and restructuring
processes were further identified as a major risk factor. The report is based
on the BIBB / BAuA Employment Survey 2011/2012 of 20,000 workers that covered
working conditions, stress and health problems. Data from the European Survey
on Working Conditions (EWCS 2010) were incorporated in the report as well. The
report provides information on trends in the development of working conditions,
their potential impact on workers and recommendations for action.

It is noteworthy that at least four out of five workers report a good social
climate in the workplace. Colleagues would support them, often worked well
together and a sense of community prevails. In addition, many of the
respondents are planning their own pace and work. These factors help to cope
with the stress. It also becomes clear that psychological distress knows no
hierarchy. Botha managers and workers report stress. Occupations with little
autonomy and social support, however, report more health problems, for example
low-skilled manual workers and miners.

The report clearly indicates priorities for prevention and recommends to
implement prevention activities at enterprise level. These priorities are also
reflected in the German OSH strategy GDA multiannual programme.

More information: - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work