

German database on chemicals now available in English

The German IFA has launched a new database within GESTIS: the GESTIS DNEL
Database: This database has been set up on request
and with specialised support of the German Social Accident Insurance

According to the REACH Regulation DNELs or "Derived No-Effect Levels" are
deduced levels of exposure below which a chemical substance should not
adversely affect human health. DNELs have to be established by manufacturers
and importers under their own responsibility and are published by the European
Chemicals Agency (ECHA).

The reported DNELs are not immediately visible on ECHA's website, being located
in the registration entry for the substance concerned in a sub-chapter. The
GESTIS DNEL Database of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) aims to
simplify searches for workplace-related DNELs, as they could serve as a tool
for occupational risk assessment.

GESTIS is a joint project of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions
aimed at establishing and using a network of centralised and decentralised
files on harmful substances.

GESTIS is maintained by the Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen
Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung (IFA, Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health of the German Social Accident Insurance).

At present, GESTIS comprises eight central databases operated at the German
Social Accident Insurance (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV):

  • GESTIS-database on hazardous substances, contains information for the safe handling of chemical substances at work, e. g. health effects, necessary protective measures and such in case of danger (incl. First Aid).

  • ISi information system for safety data sheets, to provide public authorities, emergency services and the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions with access to the most comprehensive and up-to-date repository possible of safety data sheets for chemical products.

  • GESTIS - Analytical methods, contains validated lists of methods from various EU member states described as suitable for the analysis of chemical agents at workplaces.

  • GESTIS - International limit values for chemical agents (OELs), a collection of occupational limit values gathered from various EU member states, Australia, Canada (Ontario and Québec), Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Switzerland, and the United States

  • GESTIS DNEL Database

  • Under the EU REACH Chemical Regulation, a manufacturer registering substances under REACH must state assessment metrics which serve as a basis for the corresponding protective measures. Deduced levels of exposure below which a substance does not adversely affect human health are described as "derived no-effect levels" (DNELs).

  • GESTIS - Wissenschaftliche Begründungen (criteria documents)

  • GESTIS-DUST-EX, important combustion and explosion characteristics of more than 4000 dust samples from virtually all sectors of industry

  • Exposure database MEGA, "Measurement data relating to workplace exposure to hazardous substances" - MEGA is a compilation of data gathered through atmospheric measurements at workplaces.

It also provides accessto the International Chemical Safety Cards (ICSC), which
contain essential information for the safe handling of chemical substances at
the workplace.

More information - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work