Research shows that employee involvement can support employers' objectives to
raise levels of work performance and can also enhance the quality of employees'
lives at work.
However, new data from the fifth European Working Conditions Survey shows only
about a quarter of employees in Europe (27%) are working in high involvement
organisations, casting doubts over the ambitious Europe 2020 strategy aimed at
attaining 'smart' growth through the development of higher-quality jobs in
higher value-added industries and 'inclusive' growth in which all citizens have
access to high-quality employment opportunities. In the EU27 overall, most of
the workforce is in organisations that provide very limited opportunities for
employees to participate in decision-making, either in their immediate job or
in relation to wider organisational issues affecting their work.
At present, relatively little is known about the prevalence of employee
involvement across the EU and the factors that encourage it. The extent to
which employee involvement leads to mutual benefits for the employee and
employer is also controversial. The report Work organisation and employee
involvement in Europe draws on data from Eurofound's fifth European Working
Conditions Survey (EWCS) of 2010 to investigate these issues and to strengthen
the evidence available.
AplusA-online.de - Source: Eurofound