The British Health and safety information on managing and controlling
legionella bacteria in water systems has been updated and clarified.
The British Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has revised the Legionnaires'
disease Approved Code of Practice (ACOP).
Highlighting the benefits of the change, Lorraine Medcalf, HSE's Legionella
policy lead, said: "The revised ACOP provides greater clarity for dutyholders
on what constitutes legal requirements and what is guidance. Where possible we
have simplified terminology.
The review also enabled us to update technical guidance to incorporate
technological advancements and separate it from general guidance on the
regulations, making it available on our website".
The ACOP, which is aimed at dutyholders including employers; those in control
of premises; and people with health and safety responsibilities for others, was
one of several identified for review and revision; consolidation; or
withdrawal, in line with a recommendation by Professor Ragnar Löfstedt in his
report 'Reclaiming health and safety for all'.
The revised publication includes information on identifying and assessing
sources of risk; preparing a scheme to prevent or control risk; implementing,
managing and monitoring precautions; keeping records of precautions; and
appointing a competent person with sufficient authority and knowledge of an
installation to help take measures needed to comply with the law.
AplusA-online.de - Source: British Health and Safety Executive (HSE)