Slips, trips and falls are the biggest cause of accidents in all economic
sectors, from heavy manufacturing to office work. The relative importance of
such cases among all work accidents is 24%.
They are also the most frequent cause of accidents among women at work.
The relative importance of work accidents due to falls on the same level is the
largest in manufacturing - with a relative importance of 24% in transport and
storage, 15% in construction, and in 14% in trade.
Falls on the same level are the most frequent cause of work accidents primarily
for elderly people. Of all work accidents, falls on the same level account for
27% among people aged 45-54, 33% among people aged 55-64, and is as high as 45%
among people who are 65 or older.
Slips and trips may have serious consequences, resulting in severe injuries
such as broken bones or concussion. Thirty-five per cent of cases of incapacity
for work last for at least one month. According to the Health & Safety
Laboratory, UK, falls from height were the most common cause of fatalities
(31%) and slips and trips were the most common cause of major injuries to
employees (RIDDOR).
Slips, trips and falls were responsible for more than half of all major
accidents (56%) and almost a third of over seven day (31%) absences.
The Senior Labour Inspectors Committee (SLIC) has launched a Campaign for the
Prevention of Work Accidents due to Slips and Trips. This is an inspection and
information campaign targeted at employers and employees. Within the framework
of the information campaign, educational interactive software will be developed
depicting situations where slips and trips are possible, along with the
solutions to prevent them.
AplusA-online.de - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work