When we think of workplace violence, physical assault is usually the first
thing that comes to mind, but it is a much broader problem. Workplace violence
is any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated or assaulted in
their employment; at or away from the workplace. To help organizations address
this issue a web site has been launched that offers a practical process for
preventing workplace violence in all types of organizations.
Based on ten years of research on violence prevention, the site delivers a
five-step process that includes:
1. Securing a commitment from the workplace;
2. Identifying the risk factors;
3. Developing an action plan;
4. Implementing and monitoring the prevention measures; and
5. Evaluating the effects.
It provides possible courses of action, suggestions, tips, and downloadable
tools for implementing measures or improving those already in place to ensure
more effective violence prevention among people within an organization. The
information on the site allows the process to be adapted to any company
regardless of size and business sector, or the presence or absence of a union.
The website was designed for human resources professionals, individuals
involved in the development and implementation of workplace violence prevention
programs, union representatives, as well as employees and managers.
AplusA-online.de - Source: anadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety