

Broad-Scale Exposure Study on Occupational Exposure to Nano-Objects and Their Agglomerates and Aggregates Across Various Life Cycle Stages

Occupational exposure to manufactured nano-objects and their agglomerates, and
aggregates (NOAA) has been described in several workplace air monitoring
studies. However, data pooling for general conclusions and exposure estimates
are hampered by limited exposure data across the occupational life cycle of
NOAA and a lack in comparability between the methods of collecting and
analysing the data. By applying a consistent method of collecting and analysing
the workplace exposure data, a study - published in the Annals of Occupational
Hygiene - aimed to provide information about the occupational NOAA exposure
levels across various life cycle stages of NOAA in the Netherlands which can
also be used for multi-purpose use.

This broad-scale exposure study gives a comprehensive overview of the NOAA
exposure situations in the Netherlands and an indication of the levels of
occupational exposure to NOAA across various life cycle of NOAA. The collected
workplace exposure data and contextual information will serve as basis for
future pooling of data and modelling of worker exposure.

More info - Source: The Annals of Occupational Hygiene