In order to facilitate evidence-based practices in the Occupational Health
Service (OHS), the Unit Intervention and Implementation Research of the
Karolinska Institutet (NCO Sweden) - together with the Swedish Occupational
Health Association (SOHA) - initiated the development of OH clinical practice
guidelines. The guidelines are developed by a multidisciplinary community of
practice groups (CoP), consisting of OHS clinicians / practitioners as well as
researchers and SOHA representatives. In the beginning of 2014, the clinical
practice guidelines for lower back pain were launched. We can conclude that
using a multidisciplinary CoP approach has shown to be useful for developing
such guidelines. Participants to the CoP group exchanged experiences and
scientific knowledge, and used existing international guidelines. The
guidelines for lower back pain facilitate the implementation of evidence-based
practices in OHS daily routines. The CoP group is currently working to develop
guidelines for health screening and intervention, for management of common
mental disorders, and also CPGs for risky alcohol consumption. These guidelines
will be launched in autumn 2015.
AplusA-online.de - Source: European Network for Workplace Health Promotion (ENWHP)