

Glass recycling: Noise exposure from simulated roadside collection of recyclable glass - Follow-up measurements

This report describes the results of trials carried out relating to the noise
exposure of workers engaged in kerbside collection of glass for recycling.
Previous tests had established the dominant sources of noise when glass is
collected in to metal troughs, and also identified working factors likely to
affect noise exposure. The trials were carried out to assess the effect of
modifications to the design of the troughs on the noise levels.

The results of the trials show that lining collection troughs with a suitable
resilient material, and providing a flap to partially cover the opening of the
trough, can significantly reduce the noise levels. Working factors such as the
speed and method of depositing glass in to the collection troughs remain a
factor in the noise levels, with rapid depositing producing the highest noise
levels and also preventing the full benefits of the modifications to the
collection trough.

Download the full report from this page - Source: Health and Safety Executive (HSE)