England's pioneering Child Safety Education Coalition (CSEC) is marking a
milestone with the launch of its online presence. CSEC, which aims to tackle
the problem of unintentional injuries to children and young people, now has a
website - at www.csec.org.uk - to raise awareness of its work and the injuries
it seeks to prevent.
Comprised of a variety of member organisations, the coalition is hosted by the
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents and NCB. It works to reduce the
number and severity of unintentional injuries through interventions based on
high-quality practical safety education.
According to the World Health Organisation's European Region, injuries are the
leading cause of death in children aged from five to 19-years-old, and send
many millions of children and young people to hospital each year.
The CSEC website will act as an information hub for coalition members, as well
as introducing parents, children and young people to the five types of
unintentional injury that its work covers: road traffic injuries; drowning;
poisoning; burns and scalds; and trips and falls.
The site will also help CSEC in another of its goals - developing consensus on
key safety issues - by acting as a portal through which new members can join
the coalition.
AplusA-online.de - Source: Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents