The International Labour Organization (ILO) has launched a new global campaign
Voices on Social Justice, to provide a global platform for perspectives on
social justice today and how it might be achieved particularly through the
world of work.
The campaign is part of global events marking the second World Day for Social
Justice on 20 February, and will bring together in one place diverse voices and
views from around the world on the meaning of social justice, especially in
times of global economic crisis.
"The current economic and jobs crisis has made our continuing struggle for
social justice harder and even more urgent," said ILO Director-General Juan
Somavia. "It is vital that we raise our voices to promote a fairer society.
This forum provides an opportunity to do exactly that."
Since 19 February an initial series of video interviews on social justice is
available featuring Mr. Somavia, Mr. Guy Ryder, General Secretary of the
International Trade Union Confederation, (ITUC), Mr. Antonio Peñalosa,
Secretary General of the International Organization of Employers (IOE), her
Excellency Ambassador Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo, Permanent Representative
of Brazil to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in
Geneva, Pascal Lamy, Director-General of the World Trade Organization, and
Professor Alain Supiot.
"One of the best ways to get to social justice is decent work: the dignity of
work, the dignity of the human being, the stability of the family, peace in the
community - that is what decent work is about" Mr. Somavia said.
ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder said, "Too many governments, too many
societies are willing to say as long as two thirds of the people in the world
are doing OK, we can more or less dispense with the other one third. I think
all of us have to join together and say nobody is dispensable. We have a
collective, shared responsibility to make sure that everybody shares in
progress and increased welfare".
Secretary General of the IOE Mr. Antonio Peñalosa said, "In order to achieve
social justice you need to have something to distribute, such as wealth and
jobs. They have to come from growth, and reflect a country's economic reality.
That's why we think that social justice and growth go hand in hand, that one
cannot exist without the other".
More voices will be added throughout the year. In addition, the site provides
links to other websites and documents regarding social justice.
AplusA-online.de - Source: International Labour Office (ILO)