

Be safe with static

Static electricity is the electric charge generated when there is friction
between two things made of different materials or substances, like clothes
tumbling in your dryer. Static electricity is what causes the sparks when you
comb your hair or touch a metal object, like a doorknob, after walking across a
carpet on a cold, dry day. It can also be generated by repeated contact and
separation between unlike materials, like a flat belt on a rotating pulley.

Electric charges can build up on an object or liquid when certain liquids
(e.g., petroleum solvents, fuels) move in contact with other materials. This
can occur when liquids are poured, pumped, filtered, agitated, stirred or flow
through pipes. This buildup of electrical charge is called static electricity.
Even when liquids are transported or handled in non-conductive containers,
something rubbing the outside surface of the container may cause a static
charge to build up in the liquid. The amount of charge that develops depends,
in part, on how much liquid is involved and how fast is it flowing or is being
agitated or stirred.

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has published answers
especially to following questions:

  • What is static electricity and how is it generated?

  • Is static electricity hazardous?

  • What kind of solvents are likely to be a static electricity hazard?

  • Why is it important to bond and ground containers?

  • Do all kinds of containers have to be bonded or grounded?

  • Are there special precautions to take when filling non-conductive containers?

  • When do I need to bond and ground containers?

More info - Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety