An Dutch Statistics on Occupational Diseases 2009 report highlights MSDs of the
lower limbs (hips and knees), overexertion and burnout.
"Statistics on Occupational Diseases 2009" is a report compiled by the
Netherlands Center for Occupational Diseases (NCvB) and commissioned by the
Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The report aims to provide an
overview of the incidence of occupational diseases and their distribution
within the sectors and occupations.
A total of 42% of all notifications concern occupational diseases relating to
posture and the musculoskeletal system. There has been a significant increase
(30%) in this figure in the last two years. There has also been a change in the
distribution of diseases over the body; there have been more reports of
occupational diseases relating to disorders in the lumbar region and the lower
limbs. In particular, the number of occupational disease notifications relating
to arthritis in the knee and hip has seen a significant increase in the last
two years. This confirms the findings of a recently published EU-OSHA report on
musculoskletal disorders that highlighted lower-limb disorders as an issue of
concern and a lack of related information.
Most of the 1170 notifications of psychological occupational diseases related
to overexertion and burnout, in line with increased intensity of work and an
imbalance between employees' work and private life.
AplusA-online.de - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work