

Promoting good health and attendance instead of penalising absence

Average rates of absence across Europe are between 3% and 6% of working time
and the cost is estimated to be about 2.5% of GDP, according to a new report
from Eurofound on the patterns of absenteeism in the 27 EU Member States and
Norway. Promoting good health and attendance instead of penalising absence has
become a growing policy issue. Although countries reporting a decline in
absenteeism slightly outnumber those with increases, the research shows there
is no common pattern.

The research has uncovered two fundamental findings. The first is the limited
amount of knowledge of the extent, causes and costs of absence. The second is a
shift in policies regarding its management and control. Data on absenteeism
scarcely exists in some countries and is patchy in others. In addition, the
different definitions and means of measurement make international comparison
difficult. There are few clear patterns in the data and no overall trend in the
rate of absence, though the recent recession might exert a downward effect.

The most common causes of absence are health problems, although broader issues
such as monotony and work-related stress are also mentioned in some countries.

The study addresses patterns of absenteeism EU27 and Norway, the costs
involved, policies for dealing with absence and general developments in
relation to promoting health and well-being.

More info - Source: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living andWorking Conditions