

Call for papers: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context

For the 9th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health "Work,
Stress, and Health 2011: Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context" taking
place in Orlando,Florida, on May 19-22, 2011 papers can be submitted online.

The Work, Stress, and Health Conference series addresses the changing nature of
work and the implications of these changes for the health, safety, and
well-being of workers. The conference covers numerous topics of interest to
labor, management, practitioners, and researchers, such as work and family
issues, new forms of work organization, changing worker demographics, and best
practices for preventing stress and improving the health of workers and their
organizations. The conference will give special attention to economic aspects
of job stress-which seems especially appropriate given the recent worldwide
economic turmoil.

Invited are researchers, business and organizational representatives, labor
leaders, and medical and social science professionals with interests in
occupational safety and health to submit proposals for poster presentations,
papers, and symposia that address any of the conference topics. with special
interest in:

  • - Influence of the economy on management and employment practices, the organization of work, job security, and income disparity.

  • - Economic consequences of stressful working conditions and stress-related disorders for employers, employees, and society at large, including costs of illness, injury, disability, and organizational productivity and performance losses.

  • - Economics of stress prevention and workplace interventions, including economic barriers to their implementation.

More info - Source: American Psychological Association