Two updated leaflets available on UK REACH Competent Authority website. The
biodiesel and safety data sheets (SDS) leaflets available on the Bitesize
Advice page of the UK REACH CA website have been amended in line with current
guidance. The SDS leaflet now takes into account the changes to Annex II of
REACH and explains the transition period.
In total the website gives access to following information leaflets:
UK REACH CA leaflets
- REACH is here
- What REACH means for manufacturers
- What REACH means for EU importers
- What REACH means for users of chemicals
- REACH - The basics
- REACH - Timeline
- REACH - Pre-registration
- REACH - Exemptions
- REACH - Articles
- REACH - Guidance for distributors
- REACH - Creating an inventory for downstream users
- REACH - Substances of very high concern (SVHCs)
- REACH - Safety data sheets (SDS)
- REACH - Substances recovered from waste
- REACH - Guidance on biodiesel
- REACH - Registration
- REACH - Minimisation of Animal Testing
- REACH - Authorisation
More info - Source: Health and Safety Executive