

New Europe for Patients website online with the common goal: better healthcare for all in Europe

A new website of the Europe for Patients campaign has been revamped in order to
put patients first and to communicate more on the EU Health Policy. The new
website is now online with a vibrant new look and content. It is the thematic
and multilingual information hub where you can find updated factsheets, news,
events, press releases and videos related to the campaign.This information is
presented by 11 policies of the campaign that put patients at the center of EU
health policy:

  • cross border health care

  • rare diseases

  • organ donation and transplantation

  • health workforce

  • patient safety

  • cancer

  • flu vaccination

  • childhood vaccination

  • use of antibiotics

  • mental health

  • alzheimer and other dementias

On the webpages you find a brief description of the policies, latest updates,
upcoming conferences and the initiatives linked to the campaign such as EU
health prize for journalists.

More information - Source: European Agency for Safety and Health at Work