How do you beat the cold when you work outside? Aside from several layers of
protective, dry clothing, and a healthy mix of physical activity, regular warm
up periods can help to work safely. Workers who are cold are more prone to
injury because the temperature impacts their performance of complex mental
tasks and reduces the sensitivity and dexterity of their fingers. As well, the
cold carries its own potentially dangerous side effects. It is critical that
workers and supervisors know the symptoms of over exposure to cold, proper
clothing requirements, safe work practices, and physical fitness requirements
for work in cold as well as emergency procedures in the event of cold injury.
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) has also
produced indicative guidelines outlined in the Threshold Limit Values For Cold
Stress - Work/Warm-up Schedule, and a pocket guide Cold Weather Workers Safety
AplusA-online.de - Source: Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety