In a globally connected world themes related to sustainable safety and security at work, that also include supply chains, play a prominent role. This is why in 1984 the International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Although in Germany occupational safety gained unprecedented attention especially due to the pandemic, a lot also remains to be done here. This is shown not least by the high sickness rates and number of days lost.
The world’s leading trade fair and congress for safety, security and health at work, A+A, together with the trade fair’s advisory board1 is also making a statement across all its communication channels on the occasion of this international day under the hashtag #WelttagfürSicherheitundGesundheit/WorldDayforSafetyandHealthby raising awareness about worldwide developments in this field with informative posts.
Trend forums on safety and protection at work
A+A with its international trend forums as well as products and solutions for personal protective equipment (PPE), fire and environmental protection or disaster relief at companies all the way down to ranges for the ergonomic and healthy workplace design puts sustainable occupational safety and health in new working worlds in the international spotlight.
At the A+A Congress 2023 OSH actors and decision-makers from industry, the skilled crafts, administration, politics and science explore national and global political advances and recent strategies like “Vision Zero” as well as occupational science findings from applications-oriented research. For the first time now, A+A 2023 will also host the WearRAcon Europe Conference, the European edition of the WearRAcon Conference in Arizona. Here research and development experts as well as companies will present and discuss innovations and trends in the field of exoskeletons.
[1]Advisory Board A+A: Klaus Bornack Bornack GmbH & Co. KG;
Dr. Ralph Bruder, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg;
Stefan Brück CEO UVEX Safety Group GmbH & Co. KG
Stefan Denker, CEO UVEX Safety Group GmbH & Co. KG;
Dr. Christian Felten, Managing Director of the German Federal Association for Occupational Safety and Health (Basi) e.V.;
Michael Kloth, Board of Management, Safety Department, c/ o Safety Service + Performance KG,
Steffen Röddecke, Permanent Representation of the Head of the OSH Department; Work Design at the Ministry of Labour, Integration and Social Affair of the state NRW (MAIS);
Christian Ronig, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of the German Factory Firefighters – WFVD e.V.,
Heiner van Elten, Managing Director Elten GmbH;
Thomas Vierhaus, VTH – Professional Association for Industrial Distributors in Germany
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